Innovation is the driver of industries today.
Genser always looks to innovate in its services, processes and procedures.
Some of the innovations by Genser are
*An extended enterprise is a loosely coupled, self-organizing network of firms that combine their economic output to provide products and services offerings to the market. Firms in the extended enterprise may operate independently, for example, through market mechanisms, or cooperatively through agreements and contracts. They provide value added service or product to the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer).
Courtesy: Wikipedia
…And other product specific networks
Aerofi is a not-for-profit organization for development of aerospace products from Indian platform for the global market.
To complement the existing Indian aerospace structure that has genuine constraints
by using an alternative structure with pace and flexibility of a private enterprise ;and high risk product development appetite through a collective and shared-risk system.
Visit www.aerofi.in for more details…
GENJET GLJ-3X1, is an Indian initiative of development of a '2+7 seat Light Business Jet'; having twin turbofan engines with cruise speed of 840 kmph and a range of 4100 km;to travel across India,within SAARC countries and similar range elsewhere in the world;
The design and development work has been progressing at Genser Aerospace, under a unique collaborative model of aerofi for development of such high technology, high investment, high risk, long gestation aerospace products. Among the stages of (i)Conceptual Design, (ii) Preliminary Design, (iii)Detailed Design & Mock Up, (iv) Prototyping, Testing, Certification and (v) Production; first two stages have been completed and further stages are in full swing.
It fits into the philosophy of aerofi to enable ongoing efforts in aerospace product developments by its affiliates(members) to reach fruition, by supporting and guiding them and, if required, by enabling structures for collaborative development. Genjet GLJ3X1 has been identified as one of the launch projects of aerofi to be taken up and supported under its unique collaborative model.
Take a look at the first virtual flight.
There is immense potential of UAVs in many Military, Home Security and Civil applications and UAV development has a multiplier effect in enlarging and enriching the development of new avenues of aeronautical development.
Genser Aerospace has been working for some time on concepts and specification of AMIQ and created a team of engineers to progress the project, which has been experimenting with a scaled down version for some of the basic concept proving.
The UAV envisaged is a multifunctional vertical lift unmanned aerial vehicle, by convention, a mini UAV approved for unmanned operation with a maximum take-off weight of 20 kg.